Drink Sunrise ☀️
Night & Day Beverages brings you a new take on daily energy. In modern day America, it is difficult to find supplements or foods without additives or potentially harmful ingredients. With Sunrise, we hope to ease your search in the energy, nootropic, and social tonic categories.
We formulated Sunrise keeping in mind that ingredients matter. Most companies today always jump to add an artificial ingredient in place of a natural one. Usually this is because of some marketing claim or the obvious one, artificial ingredients are cheaper.
One of the most common claims we see today, "0 Sugar". But how could that be with a drink this sweet? We can tell you how, Sucralose. Sucralose is an artificial sweetener used in many of the top selling beverages today and you might not even know it. Many studies have surfaced displaying the ill effects of such ingredients.
The purpose of this blog is not to tell you about the ill effects of other ingredients. The purpose of this blog is to tell you that Night & Day Beverages took great care in the ingredients we chose for Sunrise.
We also understand that education on these topics is of utmost importance. We will aim to provide customers the pertinent information needed when considering our products, or any product they may have their eye on.
We will be posting relevant information, studies, etc. through our blog and social channels. Stay tuned and Capture That Feeling!!